Word count: ~28,651 of ~58,000 [49% of draft 1]
I am so beyond my pre-plotted scene notes that I’m now letting my story drag me along with it, like a large dog on a lease dragging its owner behind as it chases a cat.
I am a bit annoyed with myself that I haven’t spent more time writing. But again, I take comfort in the fact that I am still moving forward…just a lot slower than I want. A full-time job and a family will do that to you.
I haven’t actually written it yet but I’m going to slip a scene in somewhere in the next couple of thousand word that takes place back on earth. Since very early in this story, I’ve kept it in the Empty World completely. But thinking ahead to the plotting and direction of what I’m going to write about the Empty World after book 4 here, I need something mentioned in this story that I’ve not introduced yet in any of the three previous books. So shortly I’ll tackle that issue and it concerns someone who has only had a small part so far in the tales…Ginny. That’s all I’m going to say about it for now.
Talk to all in another week,
David K. Anderson